Black Axe Throwing Company, Margate

Margate, Kent

How to book

To make your booking, call our Take Time Experiences Reservations Department on 01565 831816 quoting your Unique Booking Code and details of where you would like to visit

Bookings can be made 1 – 28 days in advance

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  • Open Monday
  • Open Tuesday
  • Open Wednesday
  • Open Thursday
  • Open Friday
  • Open Saturday
  • Open Sunday


Release you inner VIKING!

They're the highest rated urban axe throwing experience in the UK. They're super passionate about bringing people's inner Viking to life with their carefully tailored lessons.

Great for a date night but also for large groups: They are able to host up to 40 people in some of our venues. They have five venues across the UK in Belfast, Edinburgh, Lancaster, Margate and Southampton. Their experience is suitable for all, they've even hosted a birthday session for an 85 YO grandma!

Please refer to your accompanying correspondence for details of how many admissions your booking code is valid for.
*Should your requirements differ from this standard offering, please notify our Take Time reservations department at the time of booking.

Sessions typically last 1 hour
Participants must be 16 Years or above.
Participants are required to make themselves offay with THE BLACK AXE COMMANDMENTS before they can commence Axe Throwing.
A Damage waiver will be required to be completed before participation.

Please arrive 5 minutes prior to the start time. anyone arriving late for their time slot will not be allowed to participate, your booking will become void and monies will not be refunded.

See below for how a typical session might look – but their incredible instructors will customise their sessions depending upon their guests, they’re good like that!

  • SAFETY BRIEFING – Yup, safety first, always. Before anyone throws anything they always go through their house rules. These are designed to keep everyone safe, outline what everyone will and also must not be doing. You can’t skip this bit.
  • THE BASICS– That’s the start. The very beginning. They are well aware that a lot of people out there haven’t had the time to try axe-throwing yet which is why all of their sessions start from the very beginning. From how to hold and collect your axe to what’s actually going on when you’re throwing at those targets.
  • ADVANCED THROWS – You want to try something a little more Thor? Fancy 2 at a time? Their Instructors have all sorts of tricks for you to try out.
  • THE BIG COMPETITION – What you thought they weren’t going to put you to the test? There is an axe crown out there and it’s got your name on it! So you know what you’re doing, you’ve even started to nail those trickshots, you want the crown. EVERYONE WANTS THE CROWN . It’s time to go head to head, no more alliances, no more besties, it’s all versus all in our competition finale. This is where your Instructor stops advising and starts keeping the score.
  • PHOTO TIME –They take pictures of all of their throwers. No not a stiff corporate portrait, all of you next to your targets… with axes.

Fulll Terms and Condition can be viewed HERE